Truchas Mexicanas

studying and working toward description and conservation of Mexico's diverse native trout


Pagesort descendingAuthorsYearTitle
A. Abadía-Cardoso2014Genetic Investigation Of The Pacific Trout Complex: From Pedigrees To Phylogenies
A. Luis Ramírez-Huerta2015Modelación y Caracterización Ambiental del Área de Distribución Potencial de Oncorhynchus chrysogaster (Needham y Gard, 1964) en las Cuencas de los Ríos Sinaloa y Culiacán
M. Mendoza-Carranza, Arévalo-Frías, W., Espinoza-Tenorio, A., Hernández-Lazo, C. C., Álvarez-Merino, A. M., Rodiles-Hernández, R.2018La importancia y diversidad de los recursos pesqueros del río Usumacinta, México
M. A. Escalante, Perrier, C., de Leon, F. J. Garcia, Luna, A. Ruiz, Abboud, E. Ortega, Manel, S.2018Effect of riverscape and exotic introgression on the genetic structure and local adaptation of the endangered Mexican golden trout ( )
D. Keri Corona-Santiago, Domínguez-Domínguez, O., Tovar-Mora, L., Pardos-Blas, J. Ramón, Herrerías-Diego, Y., Pérez-Rodríguez, R., Doadrio, I.2018Historical biogeography reveals new independent evolutionary lineages in the Pantosteus plebeius-nebuliferus species-group (Actinopterygii: Catostomidae)
C. A. Ballesteros-Córdova, Varela-Romero, A. V., Grijalva-Chon, J. M., Castillo-Gámez, R. A., Camarena-Rosales, F., Ruiz-Campos, G.2019Variabilidad genética poblacional de la trucha Yaqui (Oncorhynchus sp.) en la región de Mesa Tres Ríos, Sonora, México
S. Sánchez-Gonzáles, Ruiz-Campos, G., Herrrera-Flores, A., Lozano-Vilano, Mde Lourdes, González-Acosta, A. F., Inzunza-Beltrán, H. Manuel2018Composición taxonómica y abundancia espacio-temporal de la ictiofauna del Río Presidio, Sinaloa, México
M. Alejandro Escalante, De León, F. J. García, Ruiz‐Luna, A., Landguth, E., Manel, S.2018The interplay of riverscape features and exotic introgression on the genetic structure of the Mexican golden trout (Oncorhynchus chrysogaster), a simulation approach
A. Ruiz-Luna, Hernández-Guzmán, R., De León, F. J. García, Ramírez-Huerta, A. L.2017Potential distribution of endangered Mexican golden trout (Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) in the Rio Sinaloa and Rio Culiacan basins (Sierra Madre Occidental) based on landscape characterization and species distribution models
M. Alejandro Sanchez2017Riverscape genetics in the endangered Mexican Golden Trout (Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) in Sierra Madre Occidental, Mexico
J. E. Williams, Isaak, D. J., Imhof, J., Hendrickson, D. A., McMillan, J. R.2017Cold-Water Fishes and Climate Change in North America
G. Ruiz Campos2017La Trucha Arcoíris de la Sierra San Pedro Mártir: bionomía, ecología poblacional, hábitat y conservación / The Rainbow Trout of the Sierra San Pedro Mártir: bionomics, population ecology, habitat and conservation
A. Luis Ramírez-Huerta2015Modelación y Caracterización Ambiental del Área de Distribución Potencial de Oncorhynchus chrysogaster (Needham y Gard, 1964) en las Cuencas de los Ríos Sinaloa y Culiacán
A. Mastretta-Yanes, Moreno-Letelier, A., Piñero, D., Jorgensen, T. H., Emerson, B. C.2015Biodiversity in the Mexican highlands and the interaction of geology, geography and climate within the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt
A. Mastretta-Yanes, Moreno-Letelier, A., Piñero, D., Jorgensen, T. H., Emerson, B. C.2015Biodiversity in the Mexican highlands and the interaction of geology, geography and climate within the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt
D. A. Hendrickson, Neely, D. A., Mayden, R. L., Anderson, K., Brooks, J. E., Camarena-Rosales, F., Cutter, R. F., Cutter, L., Camarillo, A. Belia De L., Ernsting, G. W., Espinosa-Pérez, H., Findley, L. T., de León, F. J. García, George, A. L., Hatch, J., Kuhajda, B. R., Mayden, K. E., McNyset, K. M., Nielsen, J. L., Pfeiffer, F. W., Propst, D. L., Ruiz-Campos, G., St.Clair, E., Tomelleri, J. R., Varela-Romero, A.2007Conservation of Mexican native trout and the discovery, status, protection and recovery of the Conchos trout, the first native Oncorhynchus of the Atlantic drainage in Mexico


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith